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Volatility Has Come Back to Earth ...
Now It's Time For You To Enter The PROFIT ZONE 

Tap into a little-known "volatility doughnut hole"

Hey Traders, Mark Sebastian here.

An overlooked corner of the market is ripe with inexpensive options and BIG movement.

That's the perfect spot to make gains time after time.

And I call it THE PROFIT ZONE.

Here's how it works ...

Because the VIX index is back near its favorite spot -- 12 -- options have become very inexpensive ... especially in the PROFIT ZONE, which is the most underutilized of three option zones.

In Zone 1 we have all the retail craziness of 0DTE options -- it's spiked to 60% of daily option volume. That would have been unthinkable not long ago!
Then, in Zone 2, which is 30 days out and more, we have the institutions (hedge funds, big banks) adding volume via hedges -- about 30% of the daily total.
Finally, there's Zone 3.

It's 1-to-2 weeks out from expiration ... 10% of daily volume -- and it's our PROFIT ZONE.

Because it's the SWEET spot that  hasn't been overrun by retail or hedged off by institutional trading.

And that's where I mainly reeled off an 80% win rate on closes since May wins, with top-end gains of 129% -- TWICE.


And, yes, real traders just like you (233 of them to be exact) took part ...
All it takes is movement to produce results like this (10 days to expiration and 3 days to33 expiration -- slightly out of the zone for the second one, but that's OK) ...
This (10 days to expiration) ...
And this (9 and 14 days to expiration) ...
Now, the VIX is heading to 12 -- and will be there for the foreseeable future.

In fact, 12 is the number VIX has been at more than ANY OTHER historically.

And I can tell you this ...

Options will be cheap.

Movement will be plentiful.

And market makers are salivating.

You should be, too.
It's why I founded The Trading Desk.

This is where my team and I replicate the day-to-day activities at a trading firm -- developing ideas, building positions and executing wildly profitable trades to dominate the PROFIT ZONE ... while serving as support for you.

Let me underscore this -- and I'll spell it out below -- you get DAILY access to me and my team of pro traders, including Andrew Giovinazzi.

PLUS a private chat room filled with other traders just like you.

If it sounds like the old days in the CBOE pits -- that's because it is.

It's also where we have an 80% win rate since May.
And starting to day -- YOU can have a seat at the desk ... and a piece of the profits.
Here's how it works ...
Weekly Trades: Built on market conditions by Mark and his team, larger positions are traded around -- on a daily and weekly basis to take advantage of daily volatility moves. PLUS on-the-spot trades will be delivered when we see opportunity. These will be delivered via text and email.
Weekly Immersive Sessions: Join Mark and his team in a live members-only room with YOUR microphone on. You're on the desk. Our MOST interactive session ever.
Exclusive Chat Room: This exclusive room is where Mark, the Option Pit Team and The Trading Desk members will share ideas on VIX, VIX futures, SPX, NDX and many more.
Daily Check-ins: A quick, daily touchbase with Mark and co. to check current positions and answer urgent questions.

PLUS ...
- Vol/Vix Video Masterclass:
Dozens of hours of VIX teaching you can’t get anywhere else
- VIX Made Easy Video Class
- VIX Primer E-Book
- Access to 3 Months of Fund Manager Cem Karsan's Macro and Flows Video Updates -- usually reserved ONLY for this ultra-wealthy clients!
The Trading Desk is an experience unlike anything offered before at Option Pit -- with the MOST direct access to me and my team of Option Pit Pro Traders EVER.


To get started, fill out the form below ...

And pull up your seat at the desk!
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